721 Brewer Drive
Monroe, NC 28112
Sprints Coach: Shannon Brown
Email: shannonwmstrack2024@gmail.com
Distance Coach: Kelly Schick
Email: xccoachkelly@yahoo.com
Get ready to hit the track! Here’s what you need to know:
Start Date: January 7th
End Date: January 31st
Start Date: February 3rd
Location: TBA (due to track renovations)
Roster Announcement will be emailed through familyID:
Tentative Date: February 9th
Please note: There are no minimum cutoff times or distances for making the team.
The following factors will be considered when selecting team members:
CAARS: Character, Accountability, Attitude, Respect, Sportsmanship
Athletic Ability: Performance during tryouts
Grade Level Distribution: Ensuring representation from all grades
Stay tuned here and on SportsYou for more updates and let’s make this season one to remember!
721 Brewer Drive
Monroe, NC 28112