721 Brewer Drive
Monroe, NC 28112
Head Coach: Joe Higgins
Email: jrhigg03@hotmail.com
Coach: Scott Aman
Want to learn More?Â
The Marvin Ridge Middle School Wrestling Team is hosting
Parent/Athlete interest meetings for the 2022-2023 wrestling seasonÂ
October 3rd, 5th, & 12th at 6:30pm at the MRMS GymÂ
  Questions: Call/email Â
High School Coach Freeman Â
704-877-6503 | marvinridgewrestle@gmail.comÂ
Middle School Coach Higgins Â
248-719-2616 | joe.higgins@CBRealty.comÂ
  Practice Starts Monday, October 30th at 6pmÂ
Practice Times: Monday-Friday 6pm-8pmÂ
No Cuts, No Try-outs, All are Welcome!Â
Check out the Mavericks’ highlight video:Â
In-Season Weightlifting Routine
Marvin Ridge High School Wrestling Highlight Video
Want to make the highlight reel? Load photos and video clips to the team album. These may be used for the end of year party album. If they’re good enough, they’ll be immortalized on the updated highlight video on YouTube! Keep video clips to under 5 seconds.
721 Brewer Drive
Monroe, NC 28112