721 Brewer Drive
Monroe, NC 28112
Head Coach: Kevin Graves
Email: kevingraves43@gmail.com
Phone: 760-390-7299
We will be using GroupMe to communicate practice times and share training opportunities. Please request to be added to the GroupMe by texting your name, email address, son’s name and grade to 760-717-9522 or 760-390-7299.
Lacrosse Equipment Resources:
Lacrosse Unlimited
They will generally carry all the newest and most advanced gear, but can be pricey. The do have a brick and mortar location at the Arboretum to check out equipment and sticks in person. Also, a good option to get a head strung if you don’t buy one pre-strung.
Lacrosse Monkey
They will also carry most of the newest gear, but they also carry a lot of gear that is a few years old and on clearance. They generally have pretty good prices, especially on older model clearance equipment.
Sideline Swap
Ebay for sports equipment. Mix of used and brand new gear. If you have something specific in mind, this can be a great place to get it cheaper. A lot of this equipment is sold by college players who get multiple sticks/equipment that they never use and end up selling it here for a discount.
Play it Again Sports
Most people are probably familiar with this one.
Lax Steals
They sell only one item at a time per day, so it’s a little annoying as you constantly have to check what they are selling that day. However, if you are flexible and just need a good shaft or head and don’t care who makes it, this is a great place to buy super discounted items, that are generally higher end gear.
Current Skills Based Offerings in the Area:
PlayLax Saturday Sessions
Coach Schmidt’s “Saturday Sessions” are a-la-cart (pay as you go) and are appropriate for beginners (1-2 yrs experience) through players with several years of travel experience. He usually runs two sessions to break up experience accordingly.
>If you are looking for more specific or individualized training please reach out to Coach Graves for suggestions on local coaches who conduct 1v1 training.
721 Brewer Drive
Monroe, NC 28112